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What is Geofencing & Why is it Important?

Danielle Speciale • Oct 29, 2021
What is Geofencing?

A geofence is a boundary or perimeter that is created around the location of a smartphone or other device. This is an important technique that marketing experts use, and it can play a huge role in retargeting and location-based insights. When a smartphone and/or mobile device enters an area with a geofence, the geofence can trigger different events - such as showing you advertisements that are relevant to you. To give an example of geofencing in action, imagine you are driving past your favorite store. Suddenly, you look at your phone and you see a message from the store encouraging you to visit their retail location. Geofencing allows you to target the right customers at the right time!

  • Geofencing is compatible with 92% of smartphones
  • The average consumer spends 5 hours a day on their mobile device
  • 71% of consumers prefer a personalized ad experience
  • 3 out of 4 consumers complete an action after receiving a message

Want to learn more about geofencing? Contact us today!

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